Monday, July 6, 2020


It could be possible that there are more people running in Canada on a Sunday morning than the people attending a church. Every Sunday morning races are being held in various parts of the country. It attracts a crowd of runners who are enthusiastic about raising funds, beating their personal best and keeping health and fit. The association between churchgoers seems the same because both have similar goals. Both want to be give money, both want to improve their society and find meaning in this activity. While one is considered a religion, the other is a sport but the lines have often become blurred. St. Paul writes about how the Christian religion is similar to running a race. There are elements that are similar but his analogy has to do with how Christianity requires the same attributes as the runner: discipline, desire to excel, resilience in suffering and the necessity of training. No wonder Christians are found in these races on a Sunday morning, as many of them do not see the church going to be entirely legalistic.

As we explore the analogy of running and racing. I hope to share more stories that might encourage us to run the race of life more thoughtfully.

My shoe

I run and walk every day. I suppose it was the pandemic. It has helped me in ways I cannot describe.  I wear a Saucony Hurricane 22. Its an ...